Victor Habgood, “Young Gun” wants chance to improve checkers & rejuvenate ACF

Victor Habgood who is savvy in artificial intelligence, IT (Information Technology), internet software, social media, and computer technology, wants a chance to improve checkers. He has the leadership skills to bring resources and members together so we can move ACF into today's platform of gaming, thus increasing membership and creating an attractive appeal for youth to join the game.

Vic is a 41 year old family man, retired Naval Officer, successful businessman, and loves Checkers. He started playing in his early teens and has been an ACF Life-member since 2000 and rated near master level. Vic is also a life-member of North Carolina Checker Association (NCCA) since 2002.

Information pulled from Vic's on-line LinkedIn résumé: Retired military officer with secret security clearance. An experienced project manager, project engineer, and construction manager. A unique blend of education and experiences with a strong background in leadership. | Chief Executive Officer, Veteran's Home Remodeling, Chesapeake, Virginia | Engineering Officer, US Navy, Norfolk, Virginia | Old Dominion University, Bachelor of Science - BS, Computer Engineering  | Bachelor of Science - BS, Electrical and Electronics Engineering | Activities and Societies: UAV Team, Senior Research and Development, BSEE | Licenses & Certifications: OSHA-30, Occupational Health and Safety | General Engineering Contractor (Class A) Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation | Volunteering: Eastern Virginia Medical School - Engineer - Children, Teaching children to build and program robots in a joint study with EVMS. We were able to prove that all ranges of autism can develop social skills through robotics and group projects | Honors & Awards - Military Leadership Award, Issued by ODU ROTC Unit, Associated with US Navy | Senior Leadership Award - Issued by ODU, Leadership in developing research programs for undergraduates and for community involvement| Languages: English, Native or bilingual proficiency - Spanish, Full professional proficiency. | Detail Information here:

Victor Habgood for ACF President - Post by vhabgood » Sun Sep 04, 2022 12:35 pm on ACF forum - General Discussion

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am officially announcing my bid for 2023 ACF President. I plan on bringing some changes. I wanted to highlight a few:

More organized online tournaments with referees.
Bringing more members from the online community.
Updated information and better presence throughout.
More international involvement.
Bringing corporate world into sponsorship opportunities.

Please feel free to ask questions and let me know what you would like to see!

Victor Habgood, LT (ret) US

American Checker Federation Election
(copied from The Checker Maven - Interview with Bob Newell)


The American Checker Federation (ACF) is having its most important election in decades, as its long-time president, Alan Millhone, has decided to retire from the post. Mr. Millhone has been a major figure in the Anglo-American version of the game, both in America and abroad, but now a successor will be elected.

The candidates are Kim Willis and Victor Habgood. The Checker Maven sent both candidates interview questions, but by press time only Mr. Habgood responded. His statements are given below. Ms. Willis did state her position on the ACF Forum and her remarks can be read there. We sought her permission to reproduce them here but again we did not get a reply by press time.

If you are an ACF member, be sure to vote. If you're not a member, consider joining to promote organized checkers in the United States and beyond.

Victor Habgood - Retired

Tell us something about yourself.

41 years old, grew up in Oklahoma. Now I live in Brazil, IN. Started playing checkers competitively at 15 and began tournaments at 16. I am a retired Naval Officer that served over 7 deployments and was promoted 8 times in my career. I have two kids (14 and 12). I love church and being a part of a community that is making a difference in people's lives every day.

Tell us about your interest in checkers.

I love playing competitively online and in tournaments. I have been working on artificial intelligence approaches to the game for about 6 years now. I haven't had anything huge come from it yet, but I have some really cool ideas.

What qualifies you to be ACF President?

Leadership from the military and from being a business owner. I also am one of those that has been somewhat pushed to the side, as many other members feel.

What's your vision for the future of the ACF?

I think it is bright! There are still lots of people within the ACF that are motivated to make a difference. These efforts are just lacking in direction and coordination. I think we need to master the online world. Everything from marketing, videos, website, tournaments, and more. We have to build a solid foundation of people who are going to move the needle. We need to organize them and then take that to make concrete action plans. Also, we need to be transparent to our members and potential members about what we are doing and why. We want to attract as many as possible.

Anything you wish to add?

I don't have anything personal against Alan or Kim. I think Alan did the best he could and that wasn't always easy. I would rather focus on the future and making checkers fun again! Imagine jumping online over a weekend and playing in digital tournaments with real money (fairly regulated) with hundreds of players from all over. Those types of things are really possible and will happen if I am lucky enough to be elected. I feel that I represent a large variety of people and represent our best chance at taking the ACF to the highest levels possible. I pray for everyone that this game brings peace and joy that it was meant to to all of you!

Mr. Habgood, thank you for your responses.

Copied from Bob Newell’s The Checker Maven website.

Both candidates posted information on  forum and

Vic Hobgood’s group email letter to all checker players – Dec 6, 2022 8:08 PM  

Ladies and gentlemen,

The hour is near. The election is here. The future of this organization has never had a more important election. Alan has decided to retire after devoting lots of time and energy to our organization. Now, it is between myself and Kim.  

I don't have anything negative to say about her. In fact, she has contributed quite a bit herself over the years. If I were lucky enough to be elected, I would ask her to continue to help and support in some way. After all, we all need each other. We all have something we can bring to the table. 

I am interested in gaining your vote though. I am not trying to pull magic tricks or mirages. I want to earn it. I want you to hold me to my word and keep me accountable as well.  

I think Bob Newell's interview and posting gives you the real insight to what my plans are. Truly I tell you, if we don't master the digital world, our organization will follow each of us to the grave. None of us want to see that. 

How can we save it though? Haven't we tried? My answer to that is "barely" That answer isn't a jab at anyone at all! It is a statement of vision. We have so much room and potential to grow. I believe the blessings are upon us. 

We have so many talented members already! We also have lots of talented near-future ones as well. The most important role of a leader is to leverage the abilities from within. I absolutely believe in the power of special committees. I plan on using several to get immediate results starting on day 1, if I am so blessed. 

Changes can be difficult for some! I understand that and I do empathize with you. However, if we don't accept reasonable change collectively, then I fear the grave is much nearer than anticipated. I don't plan on changing things in a vacuum. I plan on using discussion boards and Clayton Nash is working on an app that will facilitate some of that as well. I will be right there with you... Always. 

My promise is that I will always rely on God's wisdom first. I believe his spirit is in all of us, and that is how he reveals himself each and every day. I will always give my 100% effort. I will do my best to be transparent and communicate clearly and vastly. I will answer your emails and calls as best as I can. Finally, I will not accept anything less than success. Our goals will be reached and surpassed. And... We will do it together. 

Thank you for reading all this! God bless you and may we all find peace and joy in our beloved game. 

Yours truly,  

Victor Habgood 
